Update: 1.13.0
KorTerra Field’s Ticket Map View provides a geographical view of all open and assigned tickets in your work queue (mobile). KorTerra Field also provides the following map features to assist you with ticket management and locates. They are available on all KorTerra Field maps.
Ticket Pin and Informational Bubble
Tickets will display as a pin on the map. The pin contains an icon that indicates the type and status of the ticket.
To display a summary of the ticket, select the ticket pin. Once selected, a ticket informational bubble will display some ticket details. Select the ticket number to view the Ticket Details page.
Ticket Dig Box
The map will display a dig box if one is provided with the ticket. The dig box appears as a red perimeter surrounding the location of the ticket.
Ticket Cluster
When zoomed out, tickets near one another may appear as a numbered circle. The number indicates the total number of tickets in the area. Select the ticket cluster to zoom in and display the individual tickets.
Your location
Your current location will display on the map as a blue circle. See App Permissions if you do not see your location on the map.
Map Tools and Options
KorTerra Field provides several map options and tools to help perform locates.
Ticket: To center the map on the selected ticket, select the ticket pin icon in the upper-right-hand-corner of the map pane.
Me: To center the map on your current location, select the Me icon in the upper-right-hand- corner of the map pane.
Show All: Displays all open tickets assigned to your work queue (mobile). To display all ticket on your map pane, select the Show All icon in the upper-right-hand-corner of the map pane.
Zoom: Use the plus and minus” buttons to zoom in/out.
Layers Loaded: Shows when your prints have successfully loaded.
Recenter Map: Recenters the map on the selected ticket.
Full Screen: Maximizes the map size.
Information: Displays additional published information regarding the facility data. Depending upon your organization’s configurations, data such as the diameter of pipe, age, last tested, material, etc could be available.
Measure: Use this feature to measure the distance between two points.
Map Layer. Add/remove additional layers on the map based upon your organizations available GIS data.