Click here for a step-by-step walkthrough.
You must have an active KorTerra account.
Ensure you have the necessary system permissions. If the Maintenance option is not visible, contact your KorTerra System Administrator.
Log In:
Log into your account.
Access Maintenance:
Navigate to Maintenance in the left menu.
Open User Management:
In the Maintenance section, select User.
Select User Management.
Locate the User:
Search for the user you wish to grant additional access.
Initiate User Editing:
Click the Edit User button on the left-hand side of the user's details.
Edit User Details for Additional Access:
A slide-out window will appear for editing the user's details.
Scroll to the bottom and click “Set Additional Access”.
Set Access Password:
Enter the password that the user will use to log in to these additional applications.
This field will adhere to a standard set of password requirements.
This does not change their password to login to KTM or KorTerraField. This is only for other additional applications.
Confirm the password.
Save the Changes:
Click “Save” to apply the changes.
Additional Information
When the user logs into the additional applications, they will utilize the provided username (from the Additional Application access section) and the new password you set.
Post-Update Steps
Inform the user about their new access and the password for additional applications.
For further assistance, contact KorTerra Support.