Click here for step-by-step walkthrough.
You must have an active KorTerra account.
Ensure you have the necessary system permissions. If the Maintenance option is not visible, contact your KorTerra System Administrator.
Special Note
If you are editing a Shared User, you will not be able to change the user’s password. The account that owns that user will need to update the password.
Log In:
Log into your account.
Access Maintenance:
Navigate to Maintenance in the left menu.
Open User Management:
In the Maintenance section, select User.
Select User Management.
Locate the User:
Search for the user whose password you wish to update.
Initiate Password Editing:
Click the Edit User button on the left-hand side of the user's details.
Edit Password:
A slide-out window will appear for editing the user's details.
Click Set One-Time Password.
A new screen will slide out for you to enter the new password.
Note: One-Time Passwords do not have any security requirements and can be simple (e.g., “123”).
Set New Password:
Enter the new password.
Confirm the new password.
Save the New Password:
Click Save to apply the changes.
The user’s password is now updated.
Important Information About One-Time Password
The One-Time Password provides a one-time temporary password for initial login.
Users will be prompted to update their password upon initial login.
Post-Password Change Steps
Inform the user about their new One-Time Password and the necessity to update it upon their next login.
For further assistance, contact KorTerra Support.