The KorTerra Field is available for Android, iOS, and Windows devices.
If you currently have the KorWeb iOS app installed on your device, you must download and install KorTerra Field. The KorWeb iOS app will not automatically update to the new KorTerra Field app.
Supported Versions
KorTerra Field is currently supported on the following operating system versions.
iOS: 15+
Android: 10+
Windows: 10+
iOS and Android
To download KorTerra Field to your mobile device, go to your mobile device’s app store and search for KorTerra Field.
iOS (iPhone & iPad): KorTerra Field on the App Store (
Android (phone & tablet): KorTerra Field - Apps on Google Play
Ensure that your device is set to automatically update to the latest version of KorTerra Field.
Windows - Laptop/PC
To download the Windows version of KorTerra Field, click here.